"Thank you for sharing Shelby.
I love you and your gracious willingness to be transparent and honest. You and your sister and brother have blest and encouraged me in so many ways. Death is so hard..loss is always on our mind and hurt is always close to our heart. Understanding is not always easy nor is there always the understanding of why. There is only trust.. lean on.. and a blessed hope in knowing our Heavenly Father loves us more than we feel or ever can imagine. I have struggled often with life and as aways when I focus on My Lord and Savior I have been able to capture the blessed rest that no matter what... there is only hope, peace, rest and purpose. I love the song. IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. This man lost everything
Family, Wealth, His business. Yet he wrote this awesome hymn.
When peace like a river attends my way.. when sorrows like sea billows roll...whatever my lot... Thou has taught me to say... IT IS WELL. .. IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL
Love you."